
Survival Guide: Fear of Being Alone

15940767_1863784710502464_2897480564041740991_nI recently heard from many different people that they don’t like to be alone or they don’t know how to be alone.

For someone who loves spending time alone and focusing on myself – I found it very weird, but yet interesting. I

wanted to know more about it to get to the bottom of the issue. Don’t they have any hobbies they can enjoy? Don’t they like to watch moves or read a good book? Yeah sure they do, but the issue is deeper.

They don’t know how to deal with their inner voice. They are scared of being alone and listening to their inner critique or facing off whatever is inside them.

I feel like we all are afraid of ourselves, of everything that is going on in our minds. But we can’t run forever. We can’t continuously seek others support and company just so we don’t have to face the things happening inside our heads. Sooner or later everyone will be alone and then there’s nowhere to hide to. You can’t just shut that voice off. You can turn the volume down or walk away from an unwanted conversation. You have to deal with it. And what’s scarier: you need to do it on your own.

So if you have troubles being alone and you always need background noise when you are alone – blasting the tv or radio, if you can’t enjoy the full blown silence. You better sit down and talk to yourself.

Talk to yourself because that’s the company you will have to spend the rest of your life with. Talk to yourself to get the know the real person you are – not just the one you are pretending to be. Talk to yourself to see is that really someone you would actually like to spend time with. And if you don’t like what you see or hear inside your head the solution is very simple.

You can change. You have the power to change yourself. No one else has that power, just you.

So don’t waste it. Be smart about it because there is only one you and you can make sure you are your best version.

2 thoughts on “Survival Guide: Fear of Being Alone

  1. This is good advice. Taking time to get comfortable in your own skin is so important. With all the distractions we have these days, having time alone with your own thoughts is a real blessing.

  2. This is great insight on why it’s important to cultivate a relationship with oneself. I love being by myself and often have to sneak away from friends and family to get some much needed alone-time!

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