
Survival Guide: Being alone

49dd0a10-a45e-0134-1951-060e3e89e053Don’t we all have this  need to be alone sometimes?

I feel like my brain reaches a point when it can’t be around people anymore and I just have to get away from everyone and be alone. Do my own things, and recharge my batteries.


Have you ever felt like that? Not sure, let me tell you a few signs:

  • you are constantly frustrated with even the tiniest things
  • you cringe when the phone rings or you get a text
  • your emotions are all over the place, one time you are happy and the next you are sad
  • you are annoyed by everyone around you
  • you don’t enjoy the company of other peoples
  • you are tired all the time, no matter how much you sleep you still feel just tired
  • you get sick suddenly
  • you need constant validation from friends, family, co-workers to make sure you are doing good and everything is fine

If any of these points are applicable to you it means you need some time alone. And the good news is that is is perfectly normal. As human beings we are constantly exposed to all the external influences in our lives. So obviously all these effect our mood and our mental health. It’s easy to get caught up in the crazy busy circle of life and forget to stop and breath. So when you body and mind is giving you the signs, it means that it needs a break. Listen to your body and give it a break.

Give yourself a day or even a half day when you are alone, and you can finally do the things you are passionate about: read, write, draw, colour, watch movies, take a bath or do anything that you want. And don’t look at your phone. Don’t talk to people. Just ignore the outside world for those few hours and make sure you take care of yourself.

It doesn’t make you antisocial. It doesn’t make you weird. It simply proves that you are a human being.

So don’t be afraid to say no, to shut people out for a few hours and regroup your mind. They won’t go away. The people who really matter will understand your motives and stand by you. After all we all deal with different issues, differently. Find what works for you best, and stick with it.

Just It’s not selfish to put yourself first. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself and know what you need. It’s not selfish to do what you love. Nothing is selfish as long as it helps you long-term.

And as for the long-term, try and know your limits. Find out when you need these breaks, what triggers them, and how can you manage your life in a way that you maybe spare a few hours every day to focus on yourself. If you time manage your life better, you will be more successful and you won’t need a full on break of reality. But sometimes, even the best of us get carried away. That’s why it’s called life, and some things you just can’t influence. But you can always be prepared and make sure that you know when to say ‘no’.


7 thoughts on “Survival Guide: Being alone

  1. I can so relate to this.

    Being an introverted person, I can’t function under chaos continuously. “Me-time” is very important to me. “Being alone” has got such a sad connotation in society. As if, it’s so hard to imagine that there are many out there, who cherish solitude.

    Lovely post.

  2. I can totally relate, as I prefer to be alone almost all of the time! It’s great to spread the word that it’s totally okay (and even necessary!) Thanks for sharing.

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